Weight Loss Recipe Configurations

Are you trying to get your pup to loose weight and making homemade food. I always say feed for the weight your dog should be and if we have a good healthy balance diet, it generally all works out.

But sometimes we need to adjust the ratio of ingredients a bit to make sure our dog’s are losing weight in a healthy way.

Macronutrient Guidelines for Home-Prepared Diets for Dogs Prone to Obesity

  • Moisture: 67–76%
  • Protein: 13–16%
  • Fat: 7–9%
  • Carbohydrates: 2–4%
  • Fiber: 2–4%

:bulb: Key Considerations for Weight Management:
Traditional weight-loss diets often focus on reducing fat and calories. However, these approaches have limitations when it comes to long-term weight maintenance and preserving muscle mass. Reducing overall caloric intake typically lowers the total amount of protein in the diet, which can lead to muscle loss over time. Additionally, when fat is significantly reduced, the body may prioritize burning carbohydrates for energy, potentially conserving body fat instead of utilizing it.

:woman_teacher: A Better Approach:
A more effective strategy involves providing sufficient calories for the dog’s ideal body weight while adjusting the macronutrient balance. A diet higher in protein, with reduced fat and carbohydrates, encourages the metabolism to burn stored body fat rather than relying on dietary fat or carbohydrates for energy. This approach also helps preserve muscle mass, ensuring the dog’s body uses fat for energy without compromising muscle health.

:warning: Important Reminder:
If your dog struggles to lose weight despite being on a suitable weight-loss diet, consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues that might be contributing to weight gain.

Remember Keto diets are generally high in fat and still lead to weight loss.

adapted from Perfectly Rawsome suggestions.