Medicinal Mushrooms

Do you have your senior dog on mushrooms?
Your dog that may be predisposed to cancer?

I was reminded today that large dog breeds have a 20% chance of developing osteosarcoma… that’s not just cancer, that’s a devastating one that usually has less than a 4 month prognosis. Using mushrooms and CBD holistic practitioners are seeing 2+ year extensions in some cases. Isn’t it worth trying? The key as always is quality.

The cancer risk for dogs around 50% which is still too many but with fresh food changes, additions of mushrooms, herbs, CBD, essential oils and natural remedies – great results are being shown – unfortunately too many people aren’t even aware of the possibilities!

It was suggested that dog breeds with a predisposition / genetic history to cancer get on a mushroom regimen, along with fresh foods, toxin eliminations, and CBD proactively… as puppies as part of a proactive effort.

Stay tuned to learn more about medicinal mushrooms.

There’s so much I want to tell you all – I just can’t work fast enough!

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