I recommend everyone have a great reference book, maybe two I have dozens. It’s going to be one way you really start to learn how to use your essential oils.
Another way I learn and keep track is via a ridiculously large spreadsheet. It started in my aromatherapy class as a mandatory part of our class to document what we could find about 20 different essential oils. Today, my spreadsheet it all the oils I of (singles and blends), what they do emotionally, medicinally, pharmaceutical / situational conflicts, when to avoid, etc. I have lists upon lists of oils with chakras, emotions, oils for this, that, and everything in between. And yet, I keep learning, every day.
When I hear a tidbit on a conference call I write them down and update my spreadsheet. My goal is to teach those who want to learn. So we may begin some classes in the very near future.
Why am I telling you this – I recommend you do the same. If you only have 1 oil, learn all you can about it. If you have an ailment or goal, figure out which oil(s) target that topic and make that your next purchase.
You can’t use oils if you don’t have them. So begin your journey. It truly will change your life and your pet’s well-being. It did mine.
Share with me your current level of EO / Oily Lifestyle… and what you’d like to learn.
Remember when you’re on my oily team you get access to lots of educational resources not only from me – but from multiple experts in our community. So much to learn and there is certain to be someone who can guide you on information regarding your topics of interest and topics of need.