Hering’s Law of Cure is the basis of all healing. This is the way the body heals or cures itself. “All cure starts from within out, from the head down and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared or been suppressed”. … The definition of Hering’s Law of Cure is as follows: “We heal from the head down”.
Chronic conditions have been brewing for months if not years for some dogs. As we start to make changes, we aren’t going to see complete healing overnight.
General expectations 1 month to start to see some significant improvement (assuming we are not continuing any causative inflammatory factors (intolerance to food ingredients, chemicals, environmental conditions, etc)… and perhaps 6 months or longer to see what we might define as “healing”.
Be sure you’re aiming for a complete solution. I know this sometimes requires budgetary consideration… but we can look at the top priorities to “add” and the top things to eliminate.
But remember – Food First!
We can’t out supplement a bad diet – or even an ingredient or two that create inflammation for the individual dog – no matter how safe for dog’s foods may be. Not all foods work for all dogs (or people)