First Aid Kits -- Everyone Needs One or Two

What’s in your first aid kit?

Your vet and I can help you with a lot of first aid support during an emergency, even if it’s on the drive to the ER… but there is not much we can do if you don’t have the supplies on hand.

You need a basic first aid kit of all the supplies – and then you need remedies!

I have two versions – essential oils and homeopathy.

Now I know many of you aren’t oily yet (you should be!)… and there’s an expense to building a collection, etc. But I do use essential oils every day – and every day I say to someone who calls me – do you have oils handy?

But you can also get a good homeopathy kit of around 100 remedies to have on hand. They do not expire. So it’s a great option. Seriously consider having a good collection, even if you don’t know what to do with it yet. It’s a good investment in wellness!

I have also started building an Amazon collection for a homeopathy kit along with all the other suggested first aid items. Even if you start slow – start building.

Not much I can do if products are days or even hours away.