Essential Oil Quality

Cole Woolley, PhD

–PERFUMED Grade Essential Oils - Poor Quality–

There are so many DECEPTIVE TRICKS played on innocent customers of essential oils. More PERFUMED Grade oils are sold in the market than you can believe. These contain SYNTHETIC FRAGRANCES that are created chemicals from crude petroleum. Synthetic molecules ALWAYS have a small amount of undesired by-product. Sometimes the by-product is poisonous. This is where the problem exists for people with sensitive skin and lungs. There are 2 groups: A & B with examples.


-EXAMPLE 1: Lavender + synthetic Linalyl acetate. This is very, very very common. Typically synthetic Linalyl acetate is created from natural Linalool from Chinese camphor + synthetic acetate. If you have Lavender which is consistently 34%, 36%, or 38%; then you likely have synthetic Linalyl acetate in your Lavender oil.

-EXAMPLE 2: Geranium + synthetic geraniol. Synthetic geraniol fragrance adds even more rose aroma to Geranium oil. This is also very common.

-EXAMPLE 3: Melissa + synthetic Geranial and Geraniol. Melissa is very expensive. Adding synthetic Geranial fragrance adds a citrus/lemon aroma. Adding synthetic Geraniol fragrance adds more rose aroma. Watch out!

-EXAMPLE 4: Roman Chamomile + synthetic isobutyl angelate. If you buy Roman chamomile oil at a cheap price, then you are getting synthetic fragrances added. One example is the addition of synthetic isobutyl angelate which adds a spicy/green aroma and extends the volume of Roman chamomile. Easy to do.

B—-Manipulated oils + SYNTHETIC FRAGRANCES—-

-EXAMPLE 1: Lavender + Roman Chamomile + synthetic Linalyl acetate. I saw this one on the market. Some companies import huge quantities of synthetic Linalyl acetate to enhance Lavender oil aroma.

-EXAMPLE 2: Orange + Orange Terpenes + synthetic linaloo!. Add Orange Terpenes to make it cheaper. Add synthetic Linalool to enhance floral notes for Orange. Makes it wild!

-EXAMPLE 3: Neroli + Orange + synthetic Phenylethyl alcohol. Neroli (orange blossom oil) is expensive. So add inexpensive Orange oil for sweet/citrus notes. Then add synthetic Phenylethyl alcohol for rose note. Totally Perfumed oil.

-EXAMPLE 4: Cinnamon bark + Cassia + synthetic trans-cinnamaldehyde. Most Cinnamon bark oil on market is made like this. Cassia oil is cheap, but similar aroma to Cinnamon bark. Add synthetic trans-Cinnamaldehyde (the make component of Cinnamon oil) to increase its sweet/spicy aroma). Totally Perfumed too!

PERFUMED oils make up a huge chunk of essential oils in the market. It is common for people to have airborne allergies and skin allergies to PERFUMED oils due to the addition of synthetic petroleum chemicals and their undesirable by-products.

Some essential oil companies place a high priority on sourcing CHEAP oils. Customers trying to save money on essential oils are usually purchasing lower quality PERFUMED oils.

PERFUMED grade oils are quite common. Got any questions? Cole Woolley, PhD