Cushings Disease - OverActive Adrenal Glands

Cushing – adrenal glands are overactive

Common Causes:
Excessive ACTH (Pituitary Dependent due to pituitary tumor or lesion of the hypothalamus
Adrenal Tumor (15%)
Iatrogenic (Drug induced) – steroids

  • Polyphagia (excess eating, always hungry)-- is often the first symptom of the Cushings in an old dog
  • Pot belly is often a symptom
  • Pyoderma – postuls in the skin
  • Polydipsia
  • Polyuria

Diagnose – Blood, CBC Complete Blood Count, Cortisol,
Treatment: hypophysectomy (removal of the pituitary gland); adrenalectomy *removal of the adrenal gland
Medical adrenalectomy using lysogen
Remove adrenal tumor – glucocorticoids need to be replaced

See My Supporting Adrenal Health Nutrition & Natural Wellness Protocols For Dogs