Bladder Stones, Kidney Stones, Crystals

Consider Young LIving K&B Tincture as a daily supplement

Adored Beast Easy Peasy: 14 days, 3x per year (this product makes a simple protocol)
AB suggests: 2-product protocol to support overall bladder health and specific pH to discourage crystal formation. For any cat or dog who has been recently or previously diagnosed with a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), crystal, or stone formation. This protocol can also be used proactively to help support overall bladder health.

Order Adored Beast: Volhard Dog Nutrition | Healthy Food for Dogs
Order Young Living K&B or other essential oils :

Essential Oils that support the Kidneys and Bladder:
Juniper - affinity to
Fennel - digestive cleanse
Cedarwood – flushing
Lemon: flush, filter, detox

Burdock Root

Images from Adored Beast

I think Bubby has a uti , the only time he pees right in front of me on the floor? Also having more “accidents “ than usual. What can I do instead of Vet’s abx.

Start here: UTI Support For Dogs

I’ve knocked out many with essential oils in their food (high quality only – think YL), ACV etc. – within matter of 2-3 days.

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