Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) are compounds formed when sugars react with proteins or fats in the body through a process known as glycation. This reaction occurs naturally but can be accelerated by factors like high blood sugar levels or consuming foods high in sugar and fat cooked at high temperatures. AGEs accumulate in tissues over time and are associated with aging and various chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, and kidney disease.
Research has shown that cooking certain foods at high temperatures can cause a substantial increase in the production ofAGEs. Processed canned and kibble dog foods, in particular, may contain high levels of these AGEs. Both animal and human studies suggest that consuming AGEs through diet can lead to heightened oxidative stress, inflammation, and potential organ damage. Notably, more than half of the absorbed AGEs are bound in the liver and kidneys. Over time, the accumulation of AGEs in the body may significantly contribute to the aging process.
Recent research indicates that curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, may offer protection against oxidative stress and damage caused by AGEs. Cooking certain foods at high heat can lead to the formation of excessive AGEs, with processed and canned foods often containing elevated levels. Animal and human studies have shown that dietary AGEs can increase oxidative stress, inflammation, and potential organ damage, with a significant portion accumulating in the liver and kidneys. This accumulation of AGEs over time may contribute to the aging process.
Read More about Tumeric:
Curcumin not only has been shown to shield the body from AGE-induced damage but may also inhibit the formation of AGEs within the body. By targeting both the formation and detrimental effects of AGEs, curcumin holds promise in mitigating the impact of oxidative stress on health and potentially reducing the risk of age-related diseases.