Terminating My Affiliation With Volhard

I didn’t expect to send this message but alas, the time has come. After about 10 years of loving and using this product—and learning so much from Wendy—it’s time to share some difficult news.

I’ve always said that after the sale of Volhard and Wendy’s retirement, if I ever felt the product or company had changed, I would let you know. Unfortunately, we’ve reached that point. The issues stem not just from changes in the product, but also from concerns with business professionalism, communication, and expectations under the current ownership.

It all comes down to trust, transparency, integrity, and respect. I won’t go into the details here, but the disrespect I’ve experienced and observed directly challenges my core values. For these reasons, I can no longer support this company or its leadership.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I’m happy to have a one-on-one conversation.

Now What?

I’ve always said that if I ever stopped feeding Volhard to my own dogs, Dr. Harvey’s would be my alternative choice. It’s a base mix to which you add your own protein of choice. They also recommend adding oil—any healthy fat works in my view, and animal fats should be considered and rotated.

I’ll talk more about making this transition in the forum. Of course, you also have the option to make homemade food, and I can provide you with a recipe template. However, we all know that takes more prep and effort. Another alternative might be using 80/10/10 grinds and periodically adding vegetables and fruits.

I’m happy to meet with you one-on-one to discuss your options if you’re considering a change. I want to be clear: I’m not asking or suggesting that you leave Volhard at this time. I don’t think the food is bad, but it may not be the same as it once was.

However, if core values like trust, transparency, integrity, and respect are important to you, this may be something to reflect on as you decide what’s best for your pets.

Other Options:

You can also find my other suggested products on my link tree. They include We Feed Raw, Viva Raw, and Chi Dog. I’ve been affiliates for them for a while also — they are frozen delivery services — complete meals. You’ll need some freezer space. https://linktre.ee/welloiledk9 All of my links are also on the community forum.

Dr. Harvey is actually avail on Amazon. Dana Brigman | The K9 Coach & WellOiledK9's Amazon Page

If you need other periodic convenince foods— Air Dried and Non-synthetic is Carna 4 — also on my Amazon Store. You’ll find other Brand Reviews in the community forum.

I would also consider Green JuJu or Soluions Pet Foods. I have no affiliation with these brands — but they are excellent.

You’ll see the sections on my website and forum eliminated this weekend.

So sorry to hear this about Volhard. I have been thinking about switching for a while. I have been looking at raw but it’s just too expensive for my 80 plus pound dogs. I am now looking at Dr. Harveys. Do you have a preference on their pre-mix or is their one that others seem to like? Might be trial and error for my allergy dog but thought I would ask. Thanks in advance.!

I would choose the raw vibrance and add my protein of choice. They do call for adding a fat as well.

I have found rawdeliverymn.com to be the most affordable … but I do have to repackage the food as the plastic packing is not airtight. An 80# will go through more than my dog in a week so it will be less of an issue for duration in the fridge .

I am not an affiliate for either company but Dr Harvey is on Amazon and linked on my store

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