There is a lot of discussion right now about a potentially fatal respiratory virus affecting dogs in multiple states. No matter where you live or where you’re traveling, be mindful of the environments in which you take your dogs.
Everyone wants to know what to do to protect their pets. I’m not sure anyone has a definitive answer. But my take is proactive.
Healthy Immune Systems. Fresh Food BALANCED Diet, Low-tox & detox lifestyle, Quercetin, Medicinal Mushrooms (think 5 Defenders) at the core. And Essential Oils.
You know me, I’m an oily girl and so are my dogs – so I would incorporate essential oils that support respiratory health proactively – think diffusing essential oil eucalyptus, RC, or Raven, Thieves immune support blend and I add essential oils Oregano/Thyme/Basil to their food (with a fat/raw diet) a few times a week. (I would even consider YL InnerDefense Supplement and use it for the dogs)
After a possible environmental exposure. (Diffuse, Topical, and where appropriate with their food – not all brands are safe to use).
If you think you have had an exposure or your dog starts presenting what may look like kennel cough, you can begin using herbs and oils that offer health-protective and purifying benefits. If your dog has existing health issues and is exposed it’s even more important to take action.
We can support the immune system, respiratory system, and your own stress if the need arises! We’ll get active with antioxidants, immune boosting broths, etc.
I hope none of us experience this, but if you do – reach out!
Meanwhile, see if you can find any reported cases in your area. Consider avoiding dog parks. Measure your risk at dog shows, competitions, etc and get very proactive!
I know even for myself when I have to “people” – meaning a public event with a big crowd, I follow an immunity protocol for myself!