No Need to panic! Let me tell you what I know
Fear Tactics are at play, especially against the raw feeding community (again)
- It is not new.
- It’s a respirartory virus.
- The numbers are simply a naming convention that shows two combined virual element – there been different combinatinons over the years.
- Some variant of this has been found in multiple species over the years.
- It’s unlikey that it is in the “tissues” of the animals --therefore unlikely it’s being passed through the meats. Contamination is likely elsewhere.
- It’s possible to test positive and be asymptomatic
- Freezing does not eliminate risk of viral contaminants
- Fresh human grade meats are unlikely to problematic — this is one reason I prefer adding meats at feeding time vs meat inclusive mixes. But dependingon the quality of your product (sourcing, manufacturting, etc), risks should still be low.
- Cooking to a temp of at least 120 has been tested to show elimination ofo the virus when present in food packaging.
- There should be no fear of feeding these foods unless your dog is already immuno-compromised.
You know me – I’m an oily chick. Essential oils have antiviral properties! So if we are following healthy home practices, senior dog protocols, puppy protocols, etc and add in essential oils if necessary this time or as you may consider risks/exposures etc – I generally trust the essential oils help promote health and keep this sort of thing at bay.
Which Oil – my go to is Thieves! But there are other anti-viral oils of course. (I’ll be adding another post shortly oils with ant-viral properties (if you can’t see the oily section let me know!— I’m trying to sort our access properties based on your services)
Also --CBD and Mushrooms – excellent options for natural abx / antiviral and immune strengthening sources!
There is a company that has techncially been “thrown under the bus” as used as the starting point of othis firestorm. But technically they did nothing wrong. In fact, they were using human grade meats that has been approved by USDA. Somebody needs to take the fall an it wasn’t going to be the government.
The batch of food has an expriration of May 2026 – this means the food was manufactured in May 2024 – and the “issues” are just now surfacing for that company
Let me know what questions I can help you with and keep your pups healthy
For Product Needs:
But what about the cats — everyone I have talked too / reviewed has said it seems to be a one-off wildcard and that it’s most likely that something else it as play. One situation is that condemned meat was fed to cats in Korea and they developed sickness that was said to be bird flu. questions all around. Another 3 cats were given some sort of capsule containing virus directly into stomach and they did become sick. So testing continues.